Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Cheer Up Guys :)

Warning:: Blog has no sir paer as ever .. only avid readers or addicted bloggers might go ahead to read the post :)

Count your blessings before cribbing for what you dont have ..

A friend wishes happy day on daily basis to the world, thinking this as his way to
make the world a happy place to live in :) .. sweet gesture naa ..

A friend takes out time to hear out what you wanna cry about .. wht else can u want :)

A friend kills time doing things dont matter .. just to live in the moment they try
to run away from whtever conspicuous hassles life poses 4 them ..
sit back nd relaax dear friend .. life will be as u want it to be ..
U want it to be a rat race ?? it will sure make u a rat ..

A friend works day in day out as they got nothing better to do..
Not done .. naa naa naaa.. u have to live .. u have to come out
4 the world to see you..

" Just rest this day with thyself my dear and hear the angel sing :)"
"the song of your life is very sweet .. u need to see it and feel it with your being"
"the heart of gold tht the angel bestowed you with .."
"the heart which sees no fault and does no harm wants just mirth "
"the heart which says just smile thats more than all world's worth ..."

Have Faith ....... Life loves 2 see u smile .. Just start counting your blessings today :)

But i am only human .. living,,,, dying,,,,, just like any fool who will
ever be..